Thursday 11 July 2019

[This post contains a gifted dress from Junarose]

My blog is my hobby. I wouldn't ever want to blog as a full-time job, but I would always keep it as a back up plan for sure. But for me, blogging is a hobby, and tool I'm using to gain experience and use as a portfolio for my journalism career.
If anyone blogs full-time as their job, or has high hopes of doing this, I fully respect you. I do believe that blogging should be a respected profession, but personally this path isn't for me. My blog is my hobby, and I am 100% happy with it being this.

I'm a university student, I run a blog, I have a life, and I'm busy. Other than me not being keen on blogging full-time, I wouldn't have the time at the moment anyway. I spend a lot of my free-time however, blogging, and it's been this way for me since 2013. For me, blogging is a release, an outlet, a form of expression, and most importantly, my online portfolio to prove how dedicated I am to the industry in which I want to build a career in.

Although I'm a full-time student, with a busy personal life, my blog is still pretty established and successful. I've been blogging for five and a half years, and over that time I've steadily built up a following and readership I'm proud of.

I've compiled a list of how to blog successfully as a hobby, because we shouldn't feel pressured into blogging full-time, for money, or for anything other than joy (if we don't want to).

Write about things you're passionate about

When I first started blogging, I didn't really have a clue as to what I was doing, which direction my blog was going in, or anything! But as I've gained more and more experience with blogging, my articles have become progressively more passionate. I write about what I love, what I hate, things I need to get off of my chest, and opinions that not everyone who reads it might share. Providing you're in-keeping with journalistic guidelines and you're not slandering, libelling, or defaming anyone/anything – you're free to write about whatever you want. But please, pour passion into everything you do, write, and create. Your blog is exactly that, YOURS, and you should feel free to express yourself and write passionate pieces about anything that gets your fingers tapping away on the keyboard.

Be proud of your little corner of the internet

You have your own corner of the web. Yep, you did that! You've got a little space to call your very own. A space you can vent in, a space you can create in, and a space that will never turn its back on you. Be proud of your blog, be proud of the content you're creating, and don't shy away from sharing it with your friends and family. 

Never, ever compare your content to other people's

This is the single biggest mistake you can make when blogging as a hobby. You see other blogger's content, both hobby bloggers and full-time bloggers, and you start to compare. You compare your blog niches, your blog templates, your content, your photography, your Instagram feeds, your page views, and your follower counts. It's an instant confidence killer – DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF, YOUR BLOG, OR YOUR CONTENT to ANYONE else.. ever!! Don't do it at school, college, university, work, and definitely don't do it when you're a blogger, hobby or full-time.

Don't put pressure on yourself

Don't put pressure on yourself to do things a certain way. Don't give yourself a strict uploading schedule, and don't take blogging too seriously. Blogging as a hobby is supposed to be fun! It's supposed to be well, a hobby! You should be easy on yourself – consistent, but easy. 

Be consistent

Although blogging as a hobby is supposed to be fun, relaxed, and easy, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be consistent. I think consistency is key. I don't mean having a strict schedule, but what I do mean is don't neglect your blog for months on end. This probably applies more so to people like myself who are using blogging as a tool for a future career.

Be supportive of other bloggers

I support a lot of other bloggers – hobby and full-time. I think it's really important to interact, get-to-know, and support other bloggers. When you're a hobby blogger, it's really important to have a little community.. after all, that's what it's all about, and having a little community is the best part about blogging. It's so lovely having a bunch of lovely people who cheer you on, support you and your content, and have a genuine interest in how you are and what you're up to. I love blogging, and I love my little community. Always support each other.. it's important!

Be true to yourself

Being true to yourself is so important. Not only should you be writing about things you're passionate about, but you should be writing in a style that you're comfortable with. You need to keep everything in-keeping with YOU... the template of your blog, you Instagram feed, and everything else in between. Don't feel as though you have to conform to anything.. this is your space and you can do whatever you want!

Keep it real. Be true to yourself. And create content that you're passionate about.. whether that be upcycling furniture, styling up clothing, or hairstyles. 

Steal Mollie's Style

I teamed my gorgeous Junarose dress (which was gifted), with a red coat from Debenhams, patent leather loafers from River Island, and a beautiful handbag from Lulu Guinness.

The outfit is super chic, and totally in-keeping with my personal style, personality, and the way in which I like to present myself.

This outfit would be perfect for a wedding, formal event, or even a shopping trip or coffee with the girls!

Do you blog full-time, or do you blog as a hobby? Let me know in the comments below!

I really hope you enjoyed this post, and I really hope these tips have helped you.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your tips I agree - definitely need to blog what you love...

    Candice x

  2. I love this post! I've had my blog since 2014, and I think it has only been in recent months that I have found what I love to blog about and my passion has come back. For such a long time, I felt lost and didn't know where my blog fit in in the blogging world, but I finally feel like I know my place and what I enjoy writing about. You're right, it's so important to be proud of our lil corner of the internet! x

    Nicole Batley

    1. Awww that's amazing Nicole!! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to leave a comment xxx

  3. I completely agree about not comparing and writing about things you're passionate about. I'm currently trying to rediscover my love of blogging so this was a great post for me to read right now! x

    Kate Louise Blogs

    1. Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment, Kate! I am so glad you liked it! xxx

  4. Mollie you look stunning!!! I agree with you, my blog is kinda my own internship and portfolio to my ultimate dream, which is to launch my own magazine and clothing line. I also want to write for a fashion publication one day too❤️

    I think it's super important you blog about what matters to you. I also think it's essentially you have fun and not put pressure on yourself to do what others are doing with their platform.

    I agree with all your points!💯💯💯 Thanks for sharing!❤️

    Natonya |


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