Fashion | Moschino Fall 2016 @ MFW

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Moschino's past collections have had a running theme; Ready to Bear, Barbie, McDonalds, Spongebob, Looney Tunes and Road Signage, but Fall 2016 is proving to be a lot less brash for Moschino. Jeremy Scott, Moschino's head designer and creative director is always coming up with new and innovative designs that please every fashion follower out there and this collection is no different.

Although this collection hasn't been as bold or has a running theme like previous collections, this collection just screams 2016 - modern with a twist of early 2000s. I adored everything about this collection, the location, the models, the clothing and the vibe.

Burnt ball gowns, leather, slogan tees, ripped denim and jeans, as well as mini skirts too. Some of the collection is a little 'out there' but Moschino is all about being different and standing out from the crowd. I particularly liked the the caps that said 'warriors' on the front. Jeremy Scott also opted for a sloganed tee that was in the style of Marlboro Cigarettes iconic red and white packaging, he swapped 'Marlboro' for 'Moschino' and 'smoking kills' to 'fashion kills' - Jeremy Scott always incorporates other big brands into his collections for Moschino, this is what I adore about the brand. Whether the brand is featured heavily or subtlety, a brand will usually always be present.

Think deep jewel like colours if you'll be channeling Moschino's vibes this Fall. Think violet and magenta as your main jewel like colours, teamed with midnight blues, blacks, pale pinks and denims.

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