Quarter Life Crisis? But, Wait... My Life Is *Truly* Amazing

Sunday 28 January 2024

I'm 26 and I officially think I'm having a quarter life crisis. My life, as a whole, is amazing. I've got everything a girl my age could possibly want, and that's not lost on me in the slightest. But this year I'll be 27 and I've never even kissed anybody – tragic, right? 

Well, yes, it kind of is tragic. But when I start worrying or overthinking about how I lack so much in the love department and other experiences people my age have had, I have to remind myself that my life is pretty damn amazing. 

See, the other day I was scrolling on Facebook when my memories popped up and reminded me that I moved to London on January 27, 2020 – and four years on, I'm living a life that 22-year-old Mollie would have wished so hard for. At 26 (yuck), I seriously can't believe I'm living the life I am.

I'm living in London, in a gorgeous flat with a beautiful view, with my beautiful mum, my (slightly evil) cat, and the most gorgeous decor surrounding me that has been a total labour of love. Bright colours, opulent textures, fun and inspiring quotes, bits and bobs I truly adore – my home is my sacred space that is filled with so much personality and positivity. I'm surrounded by beautiful things and possessions, I'm safe, I'm warm, I'm comfortable, and I'm content. 

I have friends and family and I feel loved and adored. And most of all, I do actually love myself. After years of hating my body and thinking I'm not worthy – I know I am worthy. I know my worth. I know I'm nice, kind, caring and genuine. I know I'm worth a lot, and I know I'll get exactly what I deserve and what deserves me in the long run. 

I work in journalism!! At a national (well, international) newspaper!! I endured school (just about) and went through college (which I adored), before moving onto university (hmmm.. less said about that experience the better). Nabbing a first-class honours degree, I then landed a successful freelance career before becoming a full-time showbiz reporter – and the best part? I love my job SO much and could see me doing it for years and years and years to come. I never thought I'd be so damn lucky, but I am – and through hard work and determination, I'm doing pretty good. 

My life is amazing, and that's not in a cocky way whatsoever – it's in a 'I'm so grateful and proud that I live the life I once dreamed of' way. Back in 2020, after having just moved to London, I landed three work experience opportunities at three different publications, I was still doing my honours degree, and the pandemic was in the midst of beginning. 

Then, the pandemic hit, work experience was cancelled, I re-sat my final year of university and felt like my life was stunted forever. So, it's safe to say I never thought I'd spend Sunday evenings walking down the King's Road in Chelsea, grabbing a coffee before wandering around the shops and galleries before catching the tube home. I never thought I'd be working from home for national newspaper, and occasionally popping into the big, shiny office in the big city. 

I never thought I'd live such a beautiful life – but I do. And that's why in 2024 I'm vowing to romanticise the hell out of it. I'm forgetting about my worries, troubles and past struggles and mistakes, and instead I'm living my life for me. And well, if love decides it wants to find me – it knows where I am.

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