Being a midsize girl, and accepting my shape

Saturday 4 August 2018

Body confidence, and body positivity is a big topic that comes up on my blog regularly. It's something I'm passionate about, something I can talk about forever, and something I doubt will ever leave my mindset. Having grown up as a chub throughout my entire life, I have always been a midsize girl. Within this post I'll be expressing how I feel as a midsize girl, as well as recommending my favourite books, instagram accounts, and ways of thinking that can help you accept your shape as a midsize girl. 

It seems as though I'm forever banging on about the same subject, but there's just so much regarding body positivity/confidence/acceptance that can be written about, and I truly believe that the world of #BodyPosi is breaking through into mainstream more than ever before. It's important that we normalise NORMAL bodies. Bodies that haven't been touched up: stretch marks removed, hips broadened, waist slimmed, and double chin diminished. It's important that we start seeing NORMAL bodies throughout media – mainstream and niche. We need to see chubby legs, curvy hips, waists that aren't teeny tiny, waists that are teeny tiny, and stretch marks and cellulite too! We need to start seeing all of those things that the media (and society) deems as 'unworthy' and 'unattractive' everywhere, so that those of us with those qualities can feel accepted, loved, and so in turn, we can adore our bodies. After all, our bodies are our home – we live inside of them, and they deserve to be loved and adored. 

Girls (and guys) grow up with expectations... we have expectations of how we should look, and expectations of how the opposite sex should look. This means we get so caught up in trying to alter our bodies and our appearances so that society accepts us. Instead of wanting to eat healthy, and ensure our bodies are healthy and happy, we start dieting, which can cause more harm than good. This happens because of diet culture, and because of the media and society slowly drip feeding us the beauty ideal. 

I'm a midsize girl, and after years of trying fad diets, slimming teas, and so many more shitty ways to become society's beauty ideal, a few years ago I finally broke free. I no longer invest in diet culture, instead I nourish my body with whole foods, good foods, and regular exercise. I don't want to buy into a culture that harms so many young, beautiful girls (and guys). I don't want to buy slimming tea, diet pills, waist trainers, diet plans, and shakes. I would much rather nourish my body with healthy foods, whole foods, and foods that benefit my overall health.

Obviously the journey to full body acceptance isn't easy, and for me it still isn't complete. There's still things I wish I could change, but with the right people surrounding me, the right books, and the correct social media influences, I'm definitely on the right track.

If you're looking to accept your midsize, and basque in body positive vibe, here are my top tips:

Read Body Positive Power by Megan Jayne Crabbe: This book is a game changer. If you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for? Head down to your local book store now, or hit order on Amazon, because this book WILL change your life. From the word go, this book has altered the way I think about my body, about the media, and about diet culture. If you're looking for a book that will change your life, help you find the beauty in your softness, and aid you in accepting your cellulite, this book will be your #BodyPosi bible in next to no time.

Follow curvy gals, and midsize gals on Instagram: I'm forever posting photos of my outfits, so if you're in need of some curvy style inspiration, feel free to follow me. But other than myself, there's an array of beautiful girls who inspire me daily. From VixMeldrew who posts the most amazing #reallifeandstyle posts, to laurzrah  and queenbeady who both post stunning midsize style shots, flomatthews_ who is such an incredible body positive promoter, alicespake who inspires me daily; and mascaraeverysaturday who posts gorgeous midsize style inspiration, and who also founded MidSizeCollective – the most AMAZING account that showcases REAL girls in hot trends who are size 10–18 (#MidSizeStyle)! I highly recommend giving each of those accounts and hashtags a cheeky follow, because they will inspire you to be yourself. I love them SO much!

Love your body and it will love you back: If you think in a positive way, positive things will come to you in abundance. Love you body – every single inch of it, every single roll of it, and every single ounce of it – and it will love you back. Nourish it with good foods, eat intuitively, and exercise to be happy and healthy, not to lose weight. If you do all of the above, change your way of thinking, accept your flaws, and adore your beauty – your body will love you, and you will love your body.

More about my outfit: 

As you can tell, I'm not one to mute down my style in the name of shape or size. Dressing how I dress gives me confidence. it doesn't matter what I wear, if I've got it on, it gives me confidence. I only buy and wear clothing that makes me feel gorgeous. 

The dress I'm wearing is from Debenhams and is by the brand Blue Vanilla. It's a gorgeous teared dress, with the most stunning pattern and colour palette. It's a size medium, and fits perfectly. Blue Vanilla's clothing is true to size, and I adore their dresses so much, as they always ensure I feel confident and beautiful. 

My sandals are from Primark, my sunglasses are from VOW London, and my watch is Michael Kors.

My kimono is my trusty longline kimono from River Island. I've had this for years, and it's just perfect for warm weather, as it covers you and protects you from the strong UV, yet keeps you cool and comfortable. It's no longer stocked, as it's almost vintage River Island.

My gorgeous handbag is from Grafea. If you know me, you know I'm absolutely besotted with this brand. Ever since I started blogging, I have adored Grafea and their beautiful backpacks and bags. This gorgeous number is the LUNA FLIRT – a stunning medium sized handbag, which can be used as a handbag, a cross body bag, or a shoulder bag. The stunning floral print matches my dress perfectly. It's big enough to fit your camera, purse, phone, iPod, and as many lipsticks as your lips desire! I'm obsessed with this bag, and cannot wait to style it up with a different outfit soon.  

I really hope you enjoyed this blog post. I adore writing about body positivity – it brings me so much joy to help others find body acceptance, and in doing so, it helps me find even more body acceptance. Being a midsize girl is normal, and by accepting the fact that you're midsize (not petite or plus), you're saying "screw you" to society and it's pathetic beauty ideals. 

Love yourself, love your body, and love the fact that you're unique. Once you learn to love yourself, you're an unstoppable force, and nobody can ever tell you any different. 


  1. Thank you so much for including me in this post! You're beautiful, always remember that! Xx

    1. No worries at all my love! You inspire me daily. Thank you SO much, this means such a lot to me! xxx

  2. Beautiful post, love your dress!!

  3. I'm glad you accepted your body and enjoy living healthy lifestyle, instead of drinking some 'slimming' tea, the crap.
    You look gorgeous in this dress. Loved your bag too. Happy Tuesday. xx

    Nina's Style Blog

    1. Thank you SO much, Nina!! Yes, slimming teas are so shitty, and I would much rather live a healthy and balanced lifestyle! Thank you SO much, means so much! xxxx

  4. Aw loved this so much - you look beautiful Mollie!! I love how you styled this outfit with the florals and vintagey vibes :D I've gotten to a point where I am just renouncing society's expectations haha and surrounding myself with feel good influences. I feel so ill 99% of the time and I can't keep up with what society wants me to do so I am going to let go of it <3 xxx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

  5. Your dress is a true summer dream!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  6. Ich mag den Blog, können wir kooperationen haben, mehr können Sie Hier klicken.

  7. You look so amazing in that dress,
    perfect for the warm summer days my dear. :)

    take a look at my BLOG and my INSTAGRAM


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